- The Start of Bitcoin (October 31, 2008): Satoshi Nakamoto, a mysterious individual whose true identity remains unknown, published the paper ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System’ on a cryptography forum. This is considered the inception of Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency.

Blockchain is a technology for storing data in the form of a chain of encrypted blocks linked together. It enables secure, transparent, and immutable record-keeping, serving as the foundation for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and widely applicable in various other fields.

Blockchain and Bitcoin : Although the concept of blockchain (chain of blocks) existed earlier, Bitcoin was the first project to effectively use this technology. Blockchain helps to record and store every Bitcoin transaction transparently and securely.
The Birth of Ethereum (2014): Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, gained attention for his project. Ethereum was funded through an ICO (Initial Coin Offering), raising 18 million USD. Ethereum is not just a cryptocurrency but also supports the creation of smart contracts and decentralized financial applications.
Ethereum Opens Door for Development (2015): Ethereum was officially launched, paving the way for developers worldwide to create applications using blockchain technology.
Blockchain in the 2020s: o date, blockchain extends beyond the realm of cryptocurrency, influencing various sectors such as healthcare, real estate, education, and more. The potential of blockchain is immense and will continue to grow depending on how people apply and deploy it in the future